Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February - Happy Birthday!

Here's some information about February, my birth month.

Birthstone - Amethyst. It symbolizes piety, humility, spiritual wisdom and sincerity (according to Wikipedia). Flower - Viola (plant) and Primrose. My personal favorite flower is the rose. February 2nd is Ground Hog Day and according to folklore, if the groundhog sees his shadow then winter will last for six more weeks. Yuk! February 14th is Valentine's Day, one of the Loveliest days of the month.

February is the shortest month and only month of the year with less than 30 days - how cool is that? There is 28 days in the month unless it's leap year then there's 29 days and next year, 2012 is a leap year. Yup...you get an extra day.


  1. love ALL the Febuary facts! happy birthday too!!

  2. Hi!
    I've awarded you with the "Stylish Blogger Award"!! Stop by my blog to see what to do!
